I am now in the third year of my recovery thanks to Dr. Dantini. his protocol is outstanding. i am now cured of asthma. my Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is also in remission. The most amazing thing is that I got my brain back. The delayed food allergy testing is right on the money. The supplment recommendations are also excellent. I visited a leading sports medicine doctor in the Delaware county, PA area 1 year ago and he was amazed that I already had many of the tests and medications in place. I look ten years younger and have lost over 50 pounds. I am also 56 years old which is a challenging time for women. My skin has also markedly improved. As a matter of fact, I was involved in an auto accident and while on the stretcher the ambulance driver asked my age, i said 56 and he said are you kidding, you look 40. Some day i hope to meet Dr. Dantini in person to thank him for all of his help. With his knowledge I have been able to help many more people that I have met and also to educate my doctors. Thanks Doc. love you.